Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm Alive

I have constantly been harping my friends and family to check out the blog. To continue blogging, I need the positive affirmation that people are actually reading my hard work (thank you Amy Griffin for being my most consistent commenter!).

We are alive and well. Father's Day was our last entry. But we have been busy preparing for vacation, then going on vacation and now recuperating from vacation! I have funny, some hilarious, stories to tell you about our time at the beach, so hopefully that will be tonight's activities since Wipe-Out is the only thing I know that's on tv tonight and I care nothing about that show.

So, hold tight! I'll be back tonight with some great pics and hopefully funny tales!!!


Amy Griffin said...

I have been checking!! I love to keep up with my friends. I will anxiously be awaiting vacation pics and stories!

Leslie said...

This is my 3rd attempt to post a comment. Obviously, I'm a little challenged. Loved catching up with you the other day. Claire is a doll. Enjoyed her pictures and your explanations. You are so articulate! I did notice that we still have some things in common. The green thumb story was interesting. My mom has a green thumb. We asked her if she would like to design and landscape our new home here in WR and she of course did. Last fall we were notified that we had received the Yard of the Month for the city which put us in the pool for the yearly award. In May at the end of the year luncheon, we were awarded the Home of the Year. Hilarious isn't it? Southern Living has not called yet. We give her the credit. I love Claire's "brown" outfit. Read on to see that you were getting ready for Bunco. I have been playing this past year with a group of young moms. They invited me to attend Deeper Still with them. I have enjoyed them and love learning from them. Have a great week!
