Thursday, July 10, 2008

Floats, Floaties and Swim Sweaters

I just HATE it that I don't have pictures to document my next story.

Growing up, I feel like I lived in the water. I spent most summer days (only the days I did not have a softball game because Dad thought I didn't play as well after I had been to the pool all day!) at Oak Hills Swim and Racquet Club in Mayfield! Mom would drop us off on her way back to work from lunch and we would usually stay until 4:30-5 pm. That equals about 5-6 hours in the sun and water most every summer day of my life (and after I ironed my 10 pieces of clothes and unloaded the dishwasher). When I turned 15, I took my lifeguard test and by 16, I was a full-fledged lifeguard. This was just a few years before they enforced the red one-piece lifeguard dress code, so we were still able to wear two-pieces to lifeguard in (what in the world were the managers thinking!). So, basically, I got paid for 6 hours of sun-bathing and catching up with my friends at the pool.

I am way off subject here! That story is only to say, I want Claire to enjoy, love and embrace water. So, off to Target I head to the outdoor/water toys aisle. Who knew there were so many options. Basically there is Speedo, SwimWay and Aquatics and each of these brands has stages from water awareness to water confidence.

Well, I knew that Claire was "water aware" and even thought she was "water confident" from her 20 months of splishing and splashing the tub. But I started at Stage 1 just in case the pool was different, but just in case the water awareness gear was too elementary for her, I also purchased the water confidence stage. And not only did I buy SwimWay brand, I had to get the cute gear from Aquatics. So, our luggage included (1) turtle float, (1) spring-action float with a canopy over it, (1) swim sweater, (1) speedo flotation suit and (1) set of arm swimmies. We were ready for anything.

Fast forward to the first day in Florida. Not only did I have a head-ache from blowing up all the floats, the swim sweater actually required an air compressor like you would inflate a tire. (You've got to be kidding me). So, Bill headed down to the corner gas station and came back with Claire's inner tube!

Our time (or our money) were not spent in vain. Claire was successfully water aware and water confident. We nick-named her "Little Water Bug" and mommy even wanted to get her a spray-painted t-shirt with "Claire -Water Bug - Cato" (yes I grew up in the 80's and loved wearing my spray painted shirt tucked in my jams with my Dexter/Eastland shoes). But I refrained from purchasing such a frivolous item!!! Nonetheless, she squeeled with delight in the water and was completely at home. Perhaps I have a little lifeguard on my hands!!!

Oh, and the biggest surprise...she TANS! (You need to understand that the only physical traits I prayed for when I was expecting her were (1) that she would have blue eyes, (2) that her ears would lay flat to her head unlike her Mom's and (3) that she would have my coloring and skin tones because Bill is fair. So far, I'm batting 100!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

She is soo cute! I lived at the pool also. Wanted the same for my kids as well. Morgan was so incredibly "busy", I could take him to the pool and rest while he swam. Thank goodness Mrs. Pat taught kids to swim at the age of 1. That was my saving grace. They both love the water and will tan as well. I was definitely worried about that as well because Todd is fair and burns in the sun. He spends his beach days under the umbrella with a t-shirt and loads of sunscreen on.