Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Odds and Ends of the Cato House

The odds and ends of the Cato House consists of snipets of our life. As I was home with Claire today and thinking about that I needed to add an entry to the blog, I thought, "We aren't really an exciting family! What would family and friends like to hear." Well, perhaps that! We are just an every day-normal family, trying to get through each day with our sanity, loving each other and raising Claire in a balanced home that loves God. Oh, and one more disclaimer before we get going...When I first started taking pictures to update the blog, I made sure that the background of the pictures didn't show any skeletons in my closet (or pantry)...the skeleton of "I don't have it all together!" So, yes, you will see a pantry in disarray. You may see a bed unmade. You will see toys scattered haphazardly throughout the house. You may see dirty dishes. Welcome to our life! (I would like to blame any of these things you might see on Bill, but everyone knows that he is building the house and housekeeping is currently completely in my court). If you do happen to see the house in a polished state, that is only because we are about to put it onto the market and sellers may be dropping in!

Today, I was blessed with the opportunity to take an unexpected vacation day. Unfortunately, all of Becca's family was sick and with the price of gas, I just decided it was best for me to stay at home rather than driving across town to Annie's. It was not the ideal day to stay at home...middle of the week before an event in Boise, ID and in the middle of our budget season; however, God gifted me with the greatest gift. My email would not work!!!! The day was all Claire's! And we had a blast. My Plan B was God's Plan A. My trip this weekend is a tad longer than usual; therefore, I basked in the extra day I got to spend with Claire before the long trip. Here are some highlights of our day.

Here is Claire "dumpster diving." I'm not sure what she was looking for. But she got caught!!! After getting caught in the pantry, she immediately went to the refrigerator to get some grapes (by the way, did anyone know there was such a thing as a "grapple" - a hybrid of an apple and grape - my sister told me about it today). Poor Claire, she was hungry and she was digging through the trash! A mother should be ashamed. For some unknown reason, she hasn't eaten well since Thursday. I guess her appetite turned back on today!

(Talking of skeletons...the bottle in the corner is not a 'skeleton' for those that know me best!!! That is a bottle of Mona Vie...a fruit juice that is supposed to give me energy and help my joints even though I have no problems with my joints...but thought it would prevent any issues with my healing back).

"Sweet Baby Girl! It's bedtime!" Here is Claire in her pink fuzzy chair, passy and blankey. This is one of my favorite times with her. When she is ready for bed, I put her blanket over my shoulder and she immediately puts her head down on the blanket (a creature of habit). Lately, her added habit is to wrap her arms around our neck. When we say, "Ahhh", she mimics with her own "Ahhh"! I love these moments. However, she is a little teaser. Tonight, she snuggled up in her chair, but when I mentioned bed, she jumped up and headed to get her last fix of her toys!

Finally, for those that never will believe me when I say she knows how to throw a fit, here you go! The proofs in the pudding (is that the right cliche, Mom?). But she still looked really cute in her farm animal dress. Talking about farm animals, Claire has a new word...or would it be a sound. She can say "meow", however, she says "Ow-mi-Ow" in the sweetest high-pitch voice. I just wish my ears could capture the sound and hold onto it forever.

These are our odds and our ends! Enjoy! We will be back next week after Boise.


Amy Griffin said...

Sounds just like our house! And, Claire is cute even when crying!

Christine Satterfield said...

Claire is so cute. I can't believe how big she is....adorable!