Monday, April 21, 2008

Easter Egg Hunts Bring Out the Worst in Moms!

Although Claire is 17 months old, this Easter was our first, official Easter Egg hunt. Last year, she was still too little and had an ear infection on the frigid day of the hunt. So, our family geared up for the festivities this year. Dad got the Easter basket out of the attic, Mom pressed the outfit and off we went to the church. We were all excited, Claire dragging her basket which was twice the size of her behind her. One thing we neglected...practice! Claire had never experienced an Easter Egg Hunt and had no idea what awaited her. The race was on. The little ones took the field littered with Easter Eggs. Dad, Mom and Gran headed to the back of the field for a little privacy. We had to capture the perfect pictures. Well, not only did we not get the perfect picture, we didn't get any eggs either. Claire was too busy "people-watching" and Mom was too busy "body-checking" toddlers so they wouldn't get our eggs. One little boy did sneak in (see below) and get our eggs, Claire ended up with 6 total eggs (5 of them hunted by Mom) and the Easter Egg Bandit (the little boy) ended up with a basketful! All in all, Mom needs to check her competitive nature at the door of future Easter Egg Hunts!

1 comment:

Amy Griffin said...

I just found your blog on your facebook page. I LOVE the part about the competitive nature of the hunt...I was the same way with Ella. I let them just go on their own now. Ella says "if I don't get enough, my mommy will just buy me candy!" yeah, great idea...