Wednesday, May 21, 2008

18 Month Check-up

No pictures this time...just facts and figures!

Monday, Claire and I went to see Dr. Betts for our 18 month check-up. My 'baby' is 34 inches long and 28lbs 10oz: 93% and 91% respectively! She has been growing like a weed lately and as my mom says, "The baby fat is gone!" (I'm still waiting on my 'baby fat' to be gone...I'm glad Claire shed hers after only 18 months!!)

We passed the vocabulary test. I had been told she needed 20 words by 18 months old, so I pushed her appointment back 2 weeks to give us some more practice time. I have been practicing what all the expert books say. Talk often and repeat the word in several ways. First, say the word. Second, put an adjective before the word. Last, put the word in a sentence. Here's our sample conversation going down the road. (Remember, Claire's mom is an introvert and is sparing with her words). "Claire, there's a flower. Do you see the pretty pink flower. A flower is something that Daddy never brings home!" (Just kidding, he actually had flowers for me when I got home from Boise this weekend!).

Well, I walked into the examining room and had all her words written on a piece of paper...ready to hand in my, I mean our assignment...22 words (or sounds) total. To my displeasure, here is how the conversation with the nurse went: "Does Claire eat a variety of fruits and vegetables...Yes, her favorite is... (she cut me off). Does Claire sleep in a crib in her own room..Yes, of course, since she was a day...cut off again. Does Claire sleep atleast 8 hours and have atleast one nap during the day...of course, she's a great slee.... Does Claire walk on her own...uh-hum (I'm catching on finally that she doesn't want to hear how exceptionally well my child walks and runs and dances... Does Claire stack blocks on top of each other...yes, thanks to grandma's practice. Does Claire speak 6-10 words...yes, of course she does, she can say 20 wo...." The nurse cut me off once again and kept moving through questions about Claire's bathroom routine and her emotionally stability. Wait, I couldn't let this one slide...don't you want to see and hear all 20 words that she can say. But, of course, she was not interested! So, we passed the test, I guess. Claire passed her test. Mommy...well, I think she still has much to learn about not pushing your child and the fact that even though you think your child is the best and the brightest, there are millions of other children out there in the world.

So for anyone who cares, here are Claire's 20 words and sounds...Mommy, Daddy, puppy, baby, duck, cat, meow (ow-mi-ow), ruff-ruff, yum, ball, apple, more, hot, purple, Jonah (no-na), no, thank you, uh-oh, yum.


Shelley B. said...

Oh how different was your appointment than Wright's 18 months!!

just wait till baby #3 :)

I love you Shelley

Amy Griffin said...

that's funny - just get it on video and Mommy will NEVER forget her 20 words

EP23 said...

way to go, claire! you are so funny, Amy.

She is very cute. Bring her to work tomorrow. I don't have much to do, I will watch her.